Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bestfriend?? NO! We're more than it.

Sully. Yes, it's her name. I knew her since 5 years old. Yeaah, almost 16 years we've been together. She knows me so well, either do I. We share everything. Everything about loves, friends, college, silly things, and dreams. She's not just a bestfriend for me. She's more than it! I always know where i should run when problems come. I RUN TO HER.

Bie, love you a lot more than you ever know

Monday, February 27, 2012

Love him at the first sight


Seriously, he's a talented and an incredible musician. He's capable to play many instruments like piano, drums, and guitar. And he's singing too. Fabulous!!
Singing a song and playing music with his nerdy-look-alike. Oh god, I'm falling in love with him at the first sight then :* :*

"I cleared my life. I changed my head. Trying to catch my skin again. I'm finding out what makes me wanna live. By living it up again. It's my world. I paved my way. Found my sensitivity. I stepped back from the edge. Now I'm living it up again" -Sensitivity by Alex Goot-
(deep lyrics, love this song)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

growing old and up

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis

I just want to share about my feelings these past days, i'm feeling LOST in my world. I don't know why?! I just feel LOST! I told my best friend about this, and she said "Everything's gonna be alright. It's a process. You just have to pray and struggle with it". Maybe i just scared to pass through the growth process. You know, time flies, people change, and we're getting older. Yeah, you could say that i'm just a coward that afraid to get out from my comfort-zone. Is it normal??
By the way, happy saturday-night fellas :)

Friday, February 24, 2012


Haloooo. My name is "Novely Iyya". Let's share everything in here :)

Halo, you!
"Words have meaning and names have power".  ~Author Unknown