Monday, May 14, 2012

Very First Handmade-Postcards

Yeah, this is my very first experience to make my own postcards. Ide ini terlintas karena secara gak sengaja nemuin blog tentang komunitas @cardtopost. Jadi, intinya komunitas @cardtopost ini saling bertukar-kirim kartupos buatan mereka sendiri. It sounds interesting, we make our own postcards and then we send them to new friends that we have never met already. It's so fun, and taa!daaa! I started to make my own postcards. And each postcard has its tittle. Here they are!!

Yeah, I'm an FCBarcelonism :)

Lady Diana and her precious sons, Paradise-Coldplay, and Beauty of Dancers

Then, ready to go to post office tomorrow :)


1 comment:

  1. halo.............
    yang princess diana terkirim ke akuh..
    seneng banget.. makasih ya..
